The purpose of this Think and Talk Libertarian web site is to get people to THINK then TALK more about what it means to live in a culture of Liberty as the underlying value to the culture and not an culture of politics and democratic elections.Libertarian is a word describing a philosophy of living and acting in Liberty because one believes it is the truest and most peaceful way for people to live together. It is like those philosophies of Socialism and Communism and Christianity, whose ideas also prescribe a way people should live together because they believe it is the truest and most peaceful way for people to live together. These philosophies prescribe means to their ends and they never change. It is not at all like the words Republican or Democrat whose meanings and values change every election cycle to suit gaining the most number of voters to say how people will live during that election cycle.So let’s THINK then TALK about the means and end of being Libertarian.

A Libertarian is one who believes in liberty. Liberty is synomonous with the word Freedom. Both of the words are used interchangeably and most people would define them as an inalienable right given to man, especially the American people, from God and protected by the Laws of the Constitution of the United States which are enforced and executed by the Federal and State Governments of the country. It is this thinking that needs reexamining by people who are interested in trying to figure why America is on such a downward slope morally, economically and religiously. There are many people who are of this belief that America is
deteriorating but don’t know what to do about it but are afraid to protest it for fear of being called radical and isolated because of speaking their fears. And what is worse in my opinion is that they think the answer is to elect the right candidate with the right mindset and the right programs for the Government to execute to make everything right again. This will never work in my opinion because what an election affirms and what the culture of Liberty is are at opposite ends. Let’s think and talk about this.

What does it mean to be at liberty…to be free? If one looks in the Dictionary the word “Liberty” you get this: Liberty….1. the state of being free within society from oppression or oppressive restrictions by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.,,,,2. the power scope to act as one pleases. If one looks in the Dictionary the word “Free” you get this: Free….1. not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes. Now let’s see what the meaning of Government is since it is what voting in an election affirms for many as the way to a better life and culture. In Google the meaning of Government is this: …!. the system by which a nation, state or communities is governed. …..2. the action or manner of controlling or regulating a nation, organization or people.

So if we step back and look at these two definitions we see this : Liberty is ‘being free within a society from oppression or oppressive restrictions” and Government is “the action or manner of controlling or regulating”. These are clearly two opposite and contradictory actions. So the conclusion to be drawn is how can a Libertarian be someone who votes or runs for office and how can someone who votes or runs for office be a Libertarian? In other words the means to the end in a culture or nation who wants liberty, is to be free from oppression of what one wants to do . While if the means to the end of a culture that says it wants protection of their freedom by the people voting for representatives to represent them and use the OPPRESSIVE force of a Government to protect their freedom we have two different means to the same end of freedom. This is a house divided and at odds with one another and cannot stand. One house means is of no oppressions to any individual except the ones that naturally are there and the other house is of VOTING representatives to have a monopoly on coercive oppression in order to protect freedom of one individual from another individual .That is what America’s environment is like is obvious to many people and this is why it needs to be thought about and talked about.

History shows us that there is a resolution to this quandary and America has tried it twice before…..once successfully and once unsuccessfully. They are called the American Revolution and the American Civil War. The action taken both times was the action of SECESSION.. we should not be afraid to think and talk about this word at the present time in America. We can look America’s past and see the results of SECESSION and so better to judge where America is heading.

SECESSION is the initial word with which I want to think and talk about Libertarian and what it means. As such we have offered some printed products for you to buy and wear .especially if you are a person who is afraid to initiate a conversation about it for fear of being labelled a radical but yet you want to voice your opinion about how wrong you think America’s direction is going. So if you won’t SAY IT OUT LOUD, WEAR IT OUT LOUD. The rest of you who believe that without serious conversations we will let confusion reign and destroy ourselves, buy some for yourselves and friends and enjoy the conversations. Good dialogue that ends in living respect for another’s opinions is the finest expression of liberty there is.

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